


Danger due to fluids which are hazardous to health!

Danger of bacterial infection!

  1. Disinfect the mixer after removal.
  2. Observe the specifications of the work regulations.



Risk of fatal injury due to electrical current!

Improper conduct when carrying out electrical work can lead to death due to electric shock!

  1. Electrical work must be carried out by a qualified electrician!
  2. Observe local regulations!



Risk of burns from hot surfaces!

The motor can get hot during operation. It may cause burns.

  1. Allow the motor to cool down to ambient temperature after switching it off.



Risk of fatal injury due to dangerous lone working practices!

Work in chambers and narrow rooms as well as work involving risk of falling are dangerous work. Such work may not be carried out autonomously!

  1. Only carry out work with another person!

Wear the following protective equipment while performing the work:

If contact with hazardous fluid occurs during work, wear the following additional protective equipment:

The protective equipment specified is the minimum requirement. Observe the specifications of the work regulations!
* Protection level according to EN 170 not relevant for this work.

Remove by performing the following steps:



Work steps for dismantling

The individual components are dismantled in reverse order to assembly.

  1. Mixer decommissioned.
  2. Drive unit has cooled.
  3. Mixer cleaned and, if necessary, disinfected.
  4. Operating space emptied, cleaned and, if necessary, disinfected.
  5. Ensure work is carried out by two persons.
  1. Disconnect drive unit from the mains.
  2. Enter the operating space. DANGER! If the operating space cannot be cleaned and disinfected, wear protective equipment according to work regulations!
  3. Remove the cover cap.
  4. See “Mounting the cover cap”.
  5. Remove the propeller blades.
  6. See “Attaching the propeller blades”.
  7. Remove propeller blades, attachments and tools from the operating space.
  8. Leave the operating space.
  9. Release the drive unit from the support.
  10. See “Installing the mixer”.
  11. Attach the hoisting gear.
  12. See “Transport”.
  13. Slowly lift mixer and remove it from the operating space. CAUTION! Material damage! While lifting, make sure that the mixer does not collide with the support structure.
  14. If the fluid has penetrated the hub, clean and disinfect the hub thoroughly and apply a new seal to the interior.
  15. If the mixer is to be stored for an extended period, drain the gear oil and dispose of it in accordance with local regulations! Fill the gear with preservation oil.
  16. Consult manufacturer’s instructions!
  1. Dismantling is complete. Place the mixer in storage. See “Storage” and the manufacturer instructions.