Overview of the symbols

Symbol lights up: The switchgear is switched on and ready for operation.
Symbol flashing: Follow-up time of pump 1 active

Operating mode: “drain”

Value input not possible:
1. Input disabled
2. The accessed menu only displays values.

Operating mode: “fill”

Pumps ready for operation/deactivated:
Symbol lights up: Pump is available and ready for operation.
Symbol flashing: Pump is deactivated.

High water level reached

Pumps working/fault:
Symbol lights up: Pump is in operation.
Symbol flashing: Pump fault

Operating mode “drain”: Dry-running level too low

Operating mode “fill”: Level for low water too low

A pump has been set as the standby pump.

There is at least one current (unacknowledged) error message.

Extern OFF” input active: All pumps switched off

The device communicates using a field bus system.