


Risk of injury without protective equipment!

During work, there is a risk of (serious) injury to feet and hands.

  1. Wear safety gloves.
  2. Wear safety shoes.



Property damage through incorrect transport!

Do not move or set up the lifting unit alone. There is a risk of property damage.

  1. Always move and set up the lifting unit with two persons.

Building installation

Installation in a pump chamber



Danger through alone working!

Working in chambers, narrow rooms, and in areas with a risk of falling can be dangerous. Do not work alone.

  1. Only do this work with a second person.



Risk of injury without protective equipment!

During work, there is a risk of (serious) head injury.

  1. Wear safety helmet (if a lifting equipment is used).


Property damage through frost!

Frost can cause malfunctions. Frost can also cause property damage.

  1. Make sure that the pump chamber and the discharge line are outside of the frost zone.
  2. If the pump chamber or the discharge line is in the frost zone, stop operating the system during frost times.

Also follow these points if the lifting unit is installed in a pump chamber: