Generic twin-head pump

On the twin-head pump, the left drive is equipped with a graphic display and the right drive with an LED display.
The graphic display of the main pump shows the values and settings.
On the graphic display, the home screen is visible as with a single pump.
Nothing is shown on the LED display of the partner pump.

Illustration of the pump symbols and meaning:

Display of
main pump

Display of
partner pump


Case 1

Main/standby operation: Only the main pump is running.

Case 2

Main/standby operation: Only the partner pump is running.

Case 3

Parallel operation: Only the main pump is running.

Case 4

Parallel operation: Only the partner pump is running.

Case 5

Parallel operation: The main pump and partner pump are running.

Case 6

Main/standby operation or parallel operation: No pump running.