Accuracy of the displayed and recorded operating data

Volume flow

The accuracy of the volume flow specification with pure water is approx. +/- 5 % of the duty point.

If a water-glycol mixture is used, the accuracy decreases.


A temperature sensor is installed in the pump housing for temperature detection (exception: R7 variant).

The accuracy of the temperature is +/- 0.5 K in the temperature range of +40 °C to +80 °C.
Outside these temperatures (-10 °C to +40 °C and +80 °C to +110 °C) the accuracy is +/- 2 K.

Heating/cooling quantity measurement

The information on the heating and cooling quantity is derived from the recorded temperatures in the feed and return and from the volume flow. The accuracy of the heat quantity measurement is +/- 10 %, that of the cooling quantity measurement +/- 25 %.