Settings menu - Set auto control

The “Set control mode” menu described below only provides the menu items for selection that can also be used in the currently selected control function.
For this reason, the list of potential menu items may be much longer than the number of displayed menu items at any one time.

Set control mode


Settings menu - Set control mode

Settings menu


Setting assistant

Setting the control mode via application and system type.

Heating/cooling switchover

Only visible if “Heating & Cooling” has been selected in the setting assistant.

Adjust the automatic or manual switchover between heating and cooling.
When selecting “Heating/cooling switchover” in the setting assistant you must enter when the pump operates in the corresponding mode.
In addition to a manual selection of “Heating or cooling”, options “Automatic” or “Switchover through a binary input” are also available.

Automatic: Fluid temperatures are requested as decision-making criteria for the switchover after heating or cooling.
Binary input: An external binary signal for controlling of “Heating and cooling” is queried.

Heating/cooling temperature sensor

Only visible if automatic switchover is selected in setting assistant “Heating & Cooling” and “Heating/cooling switchover”.

Setting the temperature sensor for automatic switchover between heating and cooling.

Delivery head setpoint

Visible for active control modes, which require a delivery head as setpoint.

Setting the setpoint of the delivery head HS for the control mode.

Setpoint volume flow (Q-const)

Visible for active control modes, which require a volume flow as setpoint.

Setting the volume flow setpoint for the control mode “Volume flow Q-const”

Feeder pump correction factor

Visible for Multi-Flow Adaptation, which offers a correction value.

Correction factor for the volume flow of the feeder pump in the control mode “Multi-Flow Adaptation”.
The setting range differs depending on the system type in the applications.
Can be used for a supplement to the total volume flow from the secondary pumps for additional protection against inadequate supply.

Selection of secondary pumps

Visible for Multi-Flow Adaptation.

Selecting of secondary pumps which are used for measuring the volume flow in Multi-Flow Adaptation.

Multi-Flow Adaptation Overview

Visible for Multi-Flow Adaptation.

Overview of the number of connected secondary pumps and their requirements.

Volume flow offset

Visible for Multi-Flow Adaptation.

Pumps without Wilo Net communication can be supplied with an adjustable offset volume flow in the Multi-Flow Adaptation system.

Multi-Flow Adaptation mixer

Visible for Multi-Flow Adaptation.

In the case of secondary pumps in circuits with mixers, the mixed volume flow can be determined and therefore the actual demand can be ascertained.

Substitute value volume flow

Visible for Multi-Flow Adaptation.

Setting of the substitute value for the volume flow requirement for the primary pump if the connection to the secondary pumps is interrupted.

Setpoint temperature (T-const)

Visible for active control modes, which require an absolute temperature as setpoint.

Setting the setpoint of the temperature for the control mode “Constant Temperature (T-const)”.

Setpoint temperature (ΔT-const.)

Visible for active control modes, which require an absolute temperature difference as setpoint.

Setting the setpoint of the temperature difference for the control mode “Constant Temperature Difference (ΔT-const.)”.

Setpoint speed

Visible for active control modes, which require speed as setpoint.

Setting the setpoint of the speed for the control mode “Constant Speed (n-const.)”.

Setpoint PID

Visible for user-defined control.

Setting the setpoint of the user-defined control via PID.

External setpoint source

Visible if an external setpoint source (analogue input or CIF module) was selected previously in the context menu.

Linking the setpoint to an external setpoint source and setting the setpoint source.

Temperature sensor T1

Visible for active control modes, which require a temperature sensor as actual value (constant temperature).

Setting first sensor (1), which is used for temperature control (T-const., ΔT-const.).

Temperature sensor T2

Visible for active control modes, which require a second temperature sensor as actual value (difference temperature control).

Setting the second sensor (2, ΔT-const) used for temperature control.

Free sensor input

Visible for user-defined control.

Setting the sensor for user-defined PID control.

External delivery head sensor

Visible for index circuit evaluator Δp-c, which requires a differential pressure as actual value.

Setting the external sensor for the delivery head with index circuit evaluator.

Night setback

Visible for active control modes, which support additional control function “automatic night setback”. (see “Pre-defined applications in the setting assistant” table)

Setting automatic detection of night setback.

No-Flow Stop

Visible for active control modes, which support the additional function “No-Flow Stop”. (see “Pre-defined applications in the setting assistant” table).

Setting automatic detection of closed valves (no flow).


Visible for active control modes, which support additional control function “Q-LimitMax”. (see “Pre-defined applications in the setting assistant” table).

Setting an upper threshold of the volume flow.


Visible for active control modes, which support the additional control function “Q-LimitMin”. (see “Pre-defined applications in the setting assistant” table).

Setting a lower threshold of the volume flow.

Detection of disinfection

Visible for active control modes, which support the additional control function “Detection of disinfection”. (see “Pre-defined applications in the setting assistant” table).

Emergency operation speed

Visible for active control modes that reset to a fixed speed.

The pump automatically switches to this constant speed if the set control mode fails (e.g. sensor signal fault).

PID parameter Kp

Visible for user-defined PID control.

Setting the Kp factor for the user-defined PID control.

PID parameter: Ki

Visible for user-defined PID control.

Setting the Ki factor for the user-defined PID control.

PID parameter Kd

Visible for user-defined PID control.

Setting the Kd factor for the user-defined PID control.

PID: Inversion

Visible for user-defined PID control.

Setting the inversion for the user-defined PID control.

Pump On/Off

Always visible.

Switching the pump on/off with low priority. A MAX, MIN, MANUAL override switches the pump on.