Multi-Flow Adaptation mixer (from SW ≥

In the case of secondary circuits with in-built 3-way mixers, the mixed volume flow can be calculated so that the primary pump takes the actual demand of the secondary pumps into account. To do this, the following has to be carried out:

Temperature sensors must be fitted to the secondary pumps in the respective feed and return of the secondary loops, integrated, and the heating or cooling quantity measurement activated.
Temperature sensors must also be fitted to the feeder pump at the primary feed upstream of the heat exchanger or hydraulic shunt and at the secondary feed behind it. The function Multi-Flow Adaptation mixer is activated on the feeder pump.

Multi-Flow Adaptation
Multi-Flow Adaptation



Once the “Multi-Flow Adaptation mixer” additional function has been activated, two further sub-menus appear in the “Set control mode” menu: “Temperature sensor T1” and “Temperature sensor T2”. For setting, see “Step 2 – Setting Multi-Flow Adaptation on the primary circuit pump” section